Interlibrary Loan Service

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service for current Hawkeye students, faculty, and staff. Through Interlibrary Loan we can request books and articles that are not currently available at the Hawkeye Library. Thousands of U.S. libraries participate in a cooperative Interlibrary Loan system which greatly expands the number and availability of books and articles.

We will not be able to process your Interlibrary Loan request if you have a library fine of $20.00 or more until all fines are paid.

Interlibrary Loan Book Request

  1. Search the library catalog to see if the book you are interested in is available at the Hawkeye Library.

  2. If the book you are looking for is not available at the Hawkeye Library, complete an Interlibrary Loan Book Request form online or complete a paper request at the Reference Desk.

  3. Allow 7–10 days for the requested book(s) to arrive. When we receive the books, we will notify you by phone and/or your Hawkeye email. If you have not been contacted within 10 days of your request, please contact the Hawkeye Library.

Returning Interlibrary Loan Items

Interlibrary loan services depend upon the good will and reciprocity of other libraries. Failure to return items on time jeopardizes Hawkeye Library’s reciprocal relationship with the libraries that lend to us.

Please return items on time to ensure you do not accrue overdue fines and the Hawkeye Library does not lose borrowing privileges from other libraries.

  • Interlibrary loan items are to be returned to the circulation desk by the due date noted on the book strap that is attached to the front cover of the item. Please leave this strap attached to the item. The due date for the books you receive through interlibrary loan is set by the lending library.

  • Renewals are granted according to the policies of the lending library. If you need the material longer, please request a renewal before the item is overdue, unless no renewals is noted on the book strap.

  • The Hawkeye Library may email you courtesy notices to remind you of an impending due date, or that a due date has passed. Failure to receive these courtesy notices does not excuse you from not returning the item by the due date.

  • You will be billed for long overdue, lost, or damaged items.

  • Materials may be recalled by the lending library at any time and must be returned immediately.

  • A history of overdue interlibrary loan items may cause a suspension of interlibrary loan privileges.

Interlibrary Loan Article Request

The Hawkeye Library's online article databases provide citations and summaries to thousands of articles; many of them are available in full text. However, you may find that the entire text of an article you would like to read is not available online.

  1. If you are searching in an EBSCOhost database and there is a link with the citation that reads "Request this item through interlibrary loan", click the link, complete the form, and submit your request electronically.

  2. If the article you are looking for does not have a link to request the article through Interlibrary Loan, complete an Interlibrary Loan Article Request form online or complete a paper request at the Reference Desk.

  3. Allow 7–10 days for the requested article to arrive. When we receive the article, we will notify you via your Hawkeye email.

  4. Articles will be delivered as an attached pdf file.

Contact Information


Library building
Ask A Librarian

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

If campus is closed, the Library is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

January 9 – March 14, 2025 *
Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 12:00 – 4:00pm
* Change in Regular Hours
Thursday, March 6 7:00am – 4:30pm
Friday, March 7 Closed — Employee Development Day
Spring Break
March 15 – 23, 2025
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday – Sunday Closed
March 24 – May 9, 2025
Monday – Thursday 7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday 7:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday 12:00 – 4:00pm
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